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The prepareVowTools function is designed to create a set of tools that facilitate working with promises and vows within the Agoric framework. It provides utilities to handle vow-tolerant implementations of promise-related functionalities, along with various other utilities to manage asynchronous operations more effectively.

const { when, watch, makeVowKit, allVows, asVow, asPromise } = prepareVowTools(
  zone.subZone('vows'), powers

Inputs Parameters

  • zone (Type: Zone): The zone which is used to prepare the tools
  • powers (Type: object, Optional): An optional parameter that can include additional functionalities. It can contain the following property:
    • isRetryableReason (Type: IsRetryableReason, Optional): A function that determines if the vow is retry-able. Defaults to a function that returns false.

Return Value

The function returns an object with the following utilities:

  • when(specimenP, onFulfilled, onRejected): A function that triggers a onFulfilled or onRejected based on the result of the input vow

  • watch(specimenP, watcher, ...watcherArgs): A function that facilitates subscribing a watcher to a vow in a way that survives upgrades of both the creator and subscribing client vats

  • makeVowKit(): A function that helps in getting the vow and resolver utilities.

  • allVows(vows): A function similar to Promise.all that ensures all vows in the input array are handled correctly.

  • asVow(fn): A utility function that coerces a given input function into a vow.

  • asPromise(specimenP, ...watcherArgs): A function to convert a vow into a promise, with optional watcher arguments.

By returning these tools, prepareVowTools provides a comprehensive set of utilities to manage vows effectively in an Agoric environment.